Friday, November 30, 2012

365 Faceless: Day 1

Date: 30th November 2012

Day 1:
my favorite shot!
on the way to library with a cupcake for brunch

Behind the scenes:

model: my sis
she has the funkiest taste of dressings.
but like i'm the one to judge
i wear my sweat pants out and to class. (=.=)
can't blame a girl who cares more about comfort

kinda love the above shot
can show that she's smiling
and i love it that it's blurred.
a more mysterious feel

i made my sis walk the same road three times.
it was difficult to focus using the manual lens (it's a 50mm f1.2)
but awesome results it able to nail it.

bought several cupcakes the day before 
after our exam paper in the morning.

the cupcake above is "Dark Chocolate Ganache" 
it's from Plain Vanilla cupcake store.
super awesome

till tomorrow when the crows sing!

365 faceless project intro


i consider myself as an amature photographer.
my dream is to be for my works to be exhibited, published and to inspire others.

this blog is my 365 faceless project.
i've done a previous 365 project on everything i'm grateful for.
and i realized it was mainly about food.

i kept telling other people that my genre of photography is portraits.
but it dawned on to me that i can't really take good portrait shots.

and my other problem is that i'm horrible with words
like naming my works.

so this 365 faceless project
is my platform for improving my portrait, expressive and conceptual photography
and also
for me to express myself
(although the wordings may suck, please pardon me)

personal rule:
- one post at least once every two days
- exception is when there's no internet connection

soaring with flying clams,